Nine years ago, vegan chef Pieter-Jan Lint started "Plant-based fine dining" together with his partner Carmen Duytschaever.
During a period of pop-ups / workshops & events, they tried to find out whether the market was ready for a gastronomic vegan kitchen.
"The projects were warmly received and the dream of a permanent location began to grow. In 2018, we saw our beautiful house for the first time, which we turned into this restaurant after 3 years of toil and sweat. We are really looking forward to welcoming you here".
Aside from the restaurant, Chef Pieter-Jan Lint is committed to promoting a plant-based lifestyle. To this end, he gives professional training to chefs and cooperates with organizations and companies that contribute to a sustainable future.
If you would like more information about these training courses and other activities, please click on www.pieterjanlint.com.
In addition to being a hostess, Carmen is also an independent clinical psychologist in her own practice where she counsels both children and adults. www.carmenduytschaever.be
Amaranth transforms vegan cuisine as we know it to a whole new level.
We have great ambitions and are setting the tone for the gastronomy of the future: a more sustainable way of cooking with respect for people and animals.
We do so by creating an intimate atmosphere with careful attention to each of our guests, and by serving high-end elegant dishes with the best of what nature has to offer.
This new interpretation of vegan fine dining makes Amaranth unique as the first 100% vegan gourmet restaurant in Belgium.

"Amaranth spreekt voor ware duurzaamheid,
voor mens, dier & de natuur die ons verbindt"
The original building dates from 1911.
The house survived two world wars and in all those years was thoroughly rebuilt two times, each time as a residence.
We had the honor of giving it a third makeover. With great respect and care, we have preserved the old elements and introduced new pieces, without compromising the spirit of the original building.
The house radiates warmth and comfort. You can feel that through the whole interior.
The backside and the garden give you the impression of having landed in a small green oasis, yet close to the dazzling city of Ghent.
You don't make a home all by yourself, which is why we like to mention everyone who's are part of this operation. Without them, this would never have succeeded; Ronny De Wispelaere, Roger Duytschaever, Suzanne Coppens , Theo Lint, Eric Guldemont. & Bieke Gaelens of The Creative Company, Mario Van Den Brandde, Geert Vermeiren, Patricia Vandenbossche, Fanny Duytschaever, Kristof Vervaecke.